Lydia may (Brian's Wife)

Drawing, 1911
This pencil drawing of Lydia May Bidmead, (Biddy), was created in 1911. Lydia May, a dancer, a talented teacher and performer was the model for a number of the artist's paintings and drawings at this time. This pencil drawing of Lydia May, in feathered hat and ribbons, is of the Biddy the performer. In the same year, 1911, Hatton created 'Seated Girl', a drawing in charcoal and white chalk on grey paper. Although this is not identified as Lydia May, the dancer's pose suggests this is the same model. On 5th November, 1914, Brian Hatton wrote to his father: 'My dear Old Dad, I have just got married to Biddy today by soldier's licence.' In 1914 many young people married in haste as the counrty was on the brink of war. Brian concluded his letter to his father with these words: 'I hope when you have got over this little shock that you will give us your blessing. We shall need all that we can get! Yes I know I am a silly young fool and all that. But I'm still your Loving son Brian' 
  • Acc No: 1975-7/94
  • Date: 1911
  • Period: 20th
  • Collection: Fine Art
  • Technique: Drawing
  • Medium: Pencil
  • Creator: HATTON, Brian
  • Name: HATTON, Lydia May
Lydia may (Brian's Wife)

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