Sanger's Circus horse watering

Painting, 1901

In 1901 Brian was 14 years old and living in Swansea with Doctor and Mrs Lancaster. During that summer Sanger's Circus was in Swansea for two days and on both evenings Brian went to watch the horses being watered. A few days later, working from memory and from the rough sketches he had made, he began drawing the scene which he then finished in waterrcolour. It is likely that these horses were not part of the circus acts but were the means by which the circus, the equipment and performers were transported from town to town. Brian created numerous images of working animals either pulling a plough, carting sand or working as cab horses. His love of horses is evident in this image . He captures the fluid movement and the spirit of these creatures. He also records here scenes from a Victorian childhood and a world on the edge of change.

  • Acc No: 1975-7/221
  • Date: 1901
  • Period: 20th
  • Collection: Fine Art
  • Technique: Painting
  • Medium: Watercolour
  • Creator: HATTON, Brian
  • Name:
Lydia may (Brian's Wife)

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