Transcript: Don Quixote charging sheep Letter
Don Quixote Charging Sheep
My Dear Mother,
The little drawing of the thrushes nest was very clever and funny. I have got my school cap now it is red with a crest like this, (drawing here in yellow), in front very pretty. I had a little cold last Tuesday but Mrs Lancaster only kept me in a day and I had a sort of throaty cough that you never like but I am nearly all right now thanks to the throat paintings (inside) and linctus. School is getting on alright nothing much to tell you. Dr Tups gives us exam every week (offal fun) and the one that got most marks was top of the form for a week I came out amongst the top fro writing but I didn’t make blots like this, I find lessons more fun in a class but just about as … as myself. I am doing Don Quixote in watercolour charging the sheep I can’t think of anything else to say so Goodbye hoping you are quite well
From your loving son
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