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Transcript: Attitude to fighting Letter

Attitude to fighting

Winchester House

Feb 24th 1900  My dear Mother,

We had a whole holiday on Saturday instead of a half in honour of the 5 boys who passed the matric, three firsts, two seconds and no failures.  Half term holiday on Monday so Phil is staying from Saturday to Monday.  Mrs Lan and Dr and Mrs Turnim are staying at Porthcawl for a week end’s golf.  Oh, I forgot to say that my cold is welland I have been back at school since Wednesday.  Phil’s Pater came down on Saturday and took us to the empire.  There were some awfully clever Japs there a family I should think, Pater, Mater and two boys and a girl.  I have illustrated some of their tricks.  Dr Elias said that he had seen plenty of contortionists etc but none nearly as clever as these.  He also treated us to a box of mixed chocolates.
Your last letter to Mrs L. was forwarded to Porthcawl so I don’t know so I don’t know if your second letter was enclosed in it. 
I can’t agree to what you said about the fight episode nor can Dr nor Mrs L for even Ruskin says that fighting is essential , every nation who cannot fight goes to the bad and produces no really great men or great things.  Take Switzerland for example and Portugal..  Nothing does boys and men more good than a few minutes fair fighting occasionally, not for a big man to come slyly up behind a small chap’s back and start clouting him unawares like Eddershaw did.  He acknowledged it was wrong when he apologised to me.  Why we are taught boxing down Gym.  And when you said that masters ought to be always with the boys, that simply means the everyone must be escorted home to dinner by a master.  Fudge!   And as for no fighting at good schools why, at Harrow,  the little boys are bullied and put upon and fighting most dreadfully.  Mrs L has been told so by a friend who was nursing an epidemic there once.

Life is One Great Fight.

I have no news to tell you so ta-ta.   Give my love to everyone at home,  ( I have not seen any letters from the other elder members of the family)

Your loving son Brian

P.S. Don’t think I mean to be impertinent in what I have said.  I only meant to give you another side of the question.
How are Dr Vevers and Geoff?

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